Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Session #10, Newbigin

Our journey up the "Newbigin River" continues to be an adventure with lots of twists and turns. Missiology incorporates all the theological disciplines and more (sociology, psychology, anthropology, and more). The MACD degree program is step in the missiological direction.

1) In PM, perhaps we should be preparing pastors to be pastoral missiologists? What do you think?

2) Are the Hindus saved? (Chapter 14)

3) Self-awareness missiology examination, how has your culture impacted, distorted, or uncovered the gospel? (Chapter 15)

4) Reflect upon the topic of the powers (Chapter 16). If they are disarmed, but not removed from their place in the "excluded middle" until the consummation, why?

5) Ask your question for the class and me to discuss.

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